*This post was supposed to be published much sooner than now but no one could have predicted the massive effects of the pandemic. With everything that had happened so quickly I'd forgotten all about blogging and changed my focus to more pressing matters. However, now that I'm ready to put more time and effort into this part of my site I thought it would still be appropriate to post this since I still get emails sent to the wrong email address - hopefully this can help clear things up for you if you've reached out in the past and have not received an answer back. My assistant and I try to be sure to check the older emails, but some still slip through. Another note is to check your spam inboxes as well, I've recently found out that many of my returning emails get pushed to spam. Don't worry, I'm sure to check mine to prevent any missed connections.
The BEST way to reach me is to use the booking form on my website - by filling it out completely I'll have all the information to answer your requests in a prompt manner. Trust me! I want to see you just as much as you'd like to see me! To ensure my email reaches you add contact@nicholedaylinn.com to your email recipient list. Thank you.
Returning clients are welcome to use this email; contact@nicholedaylinn.com
I'm happy to announce my brand-new website full of all new photos taken by the talented Olivia Wildin. (I'll add her details to the bottom of this entry!) Just a little bit of a heads up my old website and email will be up for part of 2020 as a grace period to fully transition to my new website and email. Below are the deadlines. The only reason being that I paid for X amount of time for each and those will be expiring on below dates. By the end of 2020 life will be much simpler and I'll only have the new email and website moving forward. (YAY!)
Permanent Website
Expiring May 23, 2020
My most recent website, all pages will link to my new one till it expires to help anyone find me.
Expiring August 31, 2020
This was my very first site as Nichole Daylinn. The domain I had for SEO purposes and to link to my recent website datenicholedaylinn. Both the website and the domain will be expiring 2020.
Permanent Email
Expiring August 18, 2020
I'm moving away from this email and come August you won't be able to reach me this way. It will have an auto-response to direct you to my current email and website for us to connect.
Olivia Wildin the photographer
Twitter https://twitter.com/oliviawildin
Fan Site https://onlyfans.com/oliviawildin/